Easy Chicken soup recipe(Brodo de Pollo)

We all love to have soup its delicious appetizer, on winter season this chicken soup will rock & roll on your dining table, and this hot soup is very comfort Food as well, so I can tell one recipe of chicken soup which you will definitely love.

⌚ Cooking time: 1 hour

🧍  Serve person: 4 persons 

Chicken soup brodo di pollo


Chicken with bone - 300gm

Leek - 15gm

Garlic clove- 5 piece

Celery - 20gm

Carrot - 1 piece small cut into chunks

Onions - 2 onion cut into 1/4

Bay leaves - 2 pieces

Rose merry -  10 gm(fresh)

Thyme - 10gm(fresh)

Whole Peppercorn -  5gm

Fresh cream - 20ml

Salt - as required

white pepper powder - 3gm

Butter - 5 gm (sauté)

Vegetable - as you wish (zucchini - carrot - broccoli) small dice.

Cooking method:

  • Turn on the gas flame, get a big saucepan put butter, and melt it.

  • Then put whole garlic cloves, whole peppercorn, thyme & rose merry and bey leaves sauté until crackling sounds come out from there.

  • Then add chopped celery & leek, chunks of carrots, onion and sauté for 5 to7 minutes until they become translucent (all do this at medium flame)

  • now pour a good amount of  cold water into the saucepan 

  • Now put all chicken pieces in the saucepan or you can put whole chicken as well for better aroma and richness.

  • Simmer for at least 40 minutes, now let out all taste and aroma from chicken and herbs, into the water.

  • When you see the chicken translucent from bones stop cooking move away from the flame keep it cool place and then put all of them together into the refrigerator(do if you have much time or you can skip this process) for 1 day this process is for removing the fats from the broth, now you can see all fats float on top of the broth, scum out all fats. If you want fat in the broth is no problem for you then you can skip this step.

  • After removing all the fats strain the broth water and keep aside.

  • Now on the other side collect boiled chicken meat without bone, chop them well.

  • Now turn on the flame put all chicken broth water into a saucepan add chopped chicken boiled meat into the broth water. (blanched diced veg can be added if you wish)

  • Now add salt and white pepper finish with cream turn off the flame otherwise cream can curdle 

  • serve hot
So this is the best chicken broth/soup (Brodo-di-polo) recipe I'm sharing with you today, if you try this at home, you definitely fall in love with this soup. Please try and share comments down below, I will always be here for listening, any question about this recipe please let me know, I will share more soup and food recipe with you guys, this is the most wanted soup/broth recipe I know, that's why I shared into my blog.